Idul Fitri
May 2/3, 2022

Idul Fitri (commonly referred to in Indonesia as Lebaran) is the Indonesian form of the Arabic term Eid al-Fitr, and is one of the major national holidays in the country; the celebration that comes at the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting. The Arabic meaning of Idul Fitri is “becoming holy again”.

The Common Era calendar dates of the ninth month of the Mus- lim calendar, Ramadan, vary slightly each year, as the Muslim calendar (Hijriah) is based on a lunar cycle of 29/ 30 days.. The exact dates are determined in one of two main ways depending on di erent Islamic traditions: one method is based on the sight- ing of the new moon, while the other is based on astronomical calculations, and the results may di er by a day. An o cial an- nouncement by the government is made on the eve of Rama- dan and Idul Fitri so that public holidays can be standardized throughout the country.

The Idul Fitri public holiday o cially lasts for two days, although the government usually declares a few days before or after as “collective leave”. It is customary for most Indonesians, espe- cially Muslims living in big cities, to travel long distances to their hometowns and villages and gather with family during the holi- days near the end of the holy month.

The Idul Fitri holiday period is characterized by attending com- munal prayers at the mosque or in large public squares, giv- ing charitably, asking for forgiveness from people you have wronged, and feasting together when the fasting month is com- plete. On the morning or afternoon of Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Indo- nesian Muslims celebrate with a large feast with family members. This feast consists of various dishes that have been carefully prepared by members of the family.

Note: In consideration of the current Covid-19 outbreak, the In- donesian government has moved the four-day Idul Fitri collective leave from May 26-29 to Dec. 28-31, in line with other year-end holidays.

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